Cranbrook adopted an updated strategic plan

Cranbrook adopted an updated strategic plan

Cranbrook’s draft 2024-2027 Strategic Plan has been adopted by the city council, which will guide the city’s decision-making for the next four years.

City officials said work on the updated plan happened through the first three months of this year, after the fall’s municipal election.

“The new strategic plan will guide the coming three years of this Council and the first year of the next Council’s term,” said the city official. “The reason is that the budget takes months to create, based on projects and a business plan that must follow a strategic direction, and the budget is presented to the Council in the fall.”

The new plan will help guide all of the budgetary decisions made by the city council and staff, starting with the 2024 budget.

“This strategic planning exercise allowed the Council and senior leadership to discuss priorities for this Council’s term and beyond, with the resulting final plan reflecting what we as a Council have heard from the community,” said Mayor Wayne Price. “We know there will be instances where this plan may need to change due to unforeseen events like COVID-19, which did with the previous Council. We are committed to adapting our priorities if needed.”

You can view the strategic plan below.

More: 2024 – 2027 Strategic Plan (City of Cranbrook)

Cranbrook adopted an updated strategic plan
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